Random Transformations Dance Company

b_500_450_16777215_00_images_stories_restless_random_Universal_bride.jpg  RTDC is a dance-theatre company founded in 2001 by independent contemporary choreographer Ebru Aydar in Madison-WI /USA. Company members were local dancers, actors, visual artists, multimedia artists and musicians who combined individual artistic vision in order to send a message to an audience. RTDC was the first company in Madison-WI/ USA to use improvisation as a performance tool. RTDC’s work can be classified as dance theatre, performance art and post-modern dance.  
RTDC performed at Chicago Links hall, and various performance spaces in Madison –WI/ USA such as Kanopy dance studio, Wendy Cooper gallery, Kings’ Foot gallery, Margaret D’Houbler performance space and Oakwood village theatre. In 2002, The Company was invited to perform in Madison international improvisational dance festivals. In May 2003, artistic director and principal choreographer relocated to Chiswick/ London U.K. Since then company performed in Robin Howard Theatre, Chisenhale Dance Space, Sadler’s Wells theatre, and Lillian Baylis stage.
For more information about RTDC and past performance videos can be obtained from RTDC web site www.randomtransformationsdance.org
“Aziyade” by Pierre Loti

Aziyadé is a dance theatre piece, inspired by on 18th centuary French author’s book Aziyadé which he described his experiences in a twisted love triangle between himself an other man and beautiful harem girl Aziyadé in 18th centaury Istanbul. Piece contains vivid video images from Istanbul, authentic sound collages and text based on the book. 

About Aziyadé (1879; also known as  Istanbul-Constantinople) is a novel by French author Pierre Loti. Originally published anonymously, it was his first book, and along with Le Mariage de Loti (1880, also published anonymously), would introduce the author to the French public and quickly propel him to fame (his anonymous persona did not last long).Aziyadé is semi-autobiographical, based on a diary Loti kept during a 3 month period as a French Naval officer in Greece and İstanbul in the fall and winter of 1876. It tells the story of the 27-year old Loti's illicit love affair with an 18 year old "Circassian" harem girl named Aziyadé. Although Aziyadé was one of many conquests in the exotic romantic's life, she was his greatest love, he would wear a gold ring with her name on it for the rest of his life. Forming a love triangle, the book also describes Loti's "friendship" with a Spanish man servant named Solomon, for which most critics believe, based on Loti's diary entries, that some sort of homosexual affair occurred (indeed some believe Aziyadé never existed and the entire work is a cover for a homosexual love story, however the evidence for Aziyadé's existence seems overwhelming, (See Blanch). It also describes Loti's love affair with Turkish culture which became a central part of his "exotica" persona.

Choreographer: Ebru Aydar
Dancers: 2 male and 1 female dancer