Drew McOnie Dance Theatre


The main objective of Drew McOnie Dance Theatre is to entertain. The Company is full of top dancers from various companies and West End shows who have come from various forms of dance training but all exceptional performers specializing in delivering theatrical characters with human hearts.

Be Mine


Set to a glittering collection of Judy Garland classics ‘Be Mine’ is a lighthearted visit to the long forgotten world of Old School Romance and Humor. Drawing on Vaudeville and theatrical techniques we set out to create a piece that is entertaining and touching. Presenting human moments in an escapist way that is aimed at connecting with an audience and delivering them to a dream like place far from their office worries. It is our company’s directive to present work that is contemporary yet appealing and entertaining to a vast audience.

Choreographer: Drew McOnie
Dancers: Mikah Smillie, Ebony Molina, Katy Lowenhoff, Lizzie Franklin, Jo Meredith, Dan Wright, Mitch Leow, Jordi Calpe Serratts, Josh Lacey
Music: Judy Garland


‘Be Mine’ was filmed by the BBC to be put together along with rehearsal footage and interviews with me for the new BBC Website. They are using the footage to inspire young people to become involved with dance and choreography.



Reviews from Resolution 2009:


"Nine talented dancers put the "fab" into "fabulous" in Drew McOnie's supersweet closing number. McOnie has performed with Matthew Bourne's New Adventures since 2005, and it shows - set to a suite of Judy Garland showtunes, Be Mine is gloriously, unashamedly MGM-camp, with a delicacy and musical sensitivity that make this effervescent confection impossible to resist. Moments of poignancy and humour give life to the technical workouts: men in their underpants shave to the rhythm while women high-kick and sashay across the floor, and Fred'n'Ginger seem to possess the whole cast. Rose-tinted and sparkling like pink champagne, it's the perfect season finale."
- Lise Smith

"Cool is not the aim of Drew McOnie's Be Mine. This medley of scenes set to Judy Garland classics is straight entertainment, complete with lovely dancing, musical phrasing and the glow of the good old days. Sure, an abandoned woman, looking lost and clutching at her pretty dress, strikes a note of sadness - but it melts in the overall warmth and humour and sparkle."
- Sanjoy Roy


You can also read the reviews on here